
Fallout 76: Wastelanders introduces proper human NPCs to West Virginia, and a couple of them can be recruited as allies to your cause. Commander Daguerre is one such friend, though you’ll want to be above level 25 to effectively complete her quest. On the eastern side of the map you’ll receive Ally – Crash Landing after hearing a distress call. Command Daguerre crash landed on the eastern edge of Appalachia, and heading towards that side of the map after around level 20 will trigger her quest.
The ever-popular Mystery Gift function returns in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl for Nintendo Switch. With Mystery Gifts, you can receive bonus Pokéballs, clothing items, and even special Pokémon by either inputting a code or connecting to the internet. However, the Mystery Gift function in these games is something you’ll have to wait to unlock, unlike other Pokémon series entries that allow you instant access to the source of online freebies.
Spoiler warning: As you can probably guess, this article features heavy spoilers for chapter 3 of Little Nightmares II.  Collectables in this chapter: Hats: 2 Glitches: 4 Enemies: Patients, hands, The Doctor Walkthrough As you’re coming to the end of chapter 2 you will come across a hospital with an open window. After climbing through the window, you’ll find yourself in a dark corridor which marks the beginning of chapter 3. You’re going to need to keep walking until you come across two beds which are blocking your path, one overturned and the other upright.
Quarterbacks and other major skill position players often get all the accolades and adoration from fans, but kickers can often be the unsung heroes of the sport. Regardless of how the rest of the game went, a missed kick by a kicker at the end will have everyone blaming them, yet rarely do they get the credit they deserve when they kick the game winning field goal. Kicking field goals is certainly not an easy task in real life, though it’s certainly a lot easier in Madden.
Monster Hunter Rise brought back every single weapon from the previous entries, including the mighty Bow. One of the three ranged weapons in the game, the Bow was touched quite a bit, with the team ending up nerfing some of its previous features. That said, it still remains a magnificent option for someone who wants to hunt from afar, and with the new mobility maneuvers the Wirebug provides, this was never easier to achieve.
Much like other crafting items in Monster Hunter Rise, the Felyne Fur Ruby is a rare material found in very specific spots in each of the game’s maps. It is used for crafting some exceptional goodies in the game, making it an ingredient of high importance, like the Pawprint Stamp. I mention the specific item due to both originating from the same source. Well, kind of. Let’s take a look below to see exactly what I’m talking about.
If you’ve played any amount of Spelunky 2 you’ve likely come across some strange things.  One of them is the bloody altar that can be found along with the weird wall carvings.  This shrine is a sacrificial altar for Kali.  In this guide we’ll explain what you need to do with the Sacrificial Altar and what the purpose is. How to Use the Altar to Sacrifice in Spelunky The altar is essentially a sacrificial table that allows you to bring and sacrifice certain characters in the game that are either dead or unconcsiouns.
Update 1.09 has arrived for The Last of Us Part 2, and here’s the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch. This update only weighs in at 96 MB, and players on both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 should see this patch in their download queues. This update is just a small patch intended to fix a few issues, so don’t expect any major changes or additions. Here’s everything new with The Last of Us Part 2 update 1.
The Anima Conductor is one of four Sanctum Upgrades available for your Covenant’s base in World of Warcraft Shadowlands, and if you want to collect your Renown transmog armor, mount, and pet you’ll want to build this massive device as soon as possible. The Anima Conductor creates a daily boss, chest, World Quest and more within your Covenant’s zone, though there’s a way to make those dailies permanent. Unlock the Anima Conductor at your Sanctum Reservoir in Shadowlands by spending 1000 Anima and 1 Redeemed Soul.